Meet Maisy

Here is "Maisy" Susan's first doll. In the final photo she is wondering when someone is going to make her some shoes. Susan has been happily sewing clothes for her and I think she turned out really well. 


UPDATE: Susan sent me more pictures... 

Maisy now has shoes and she is showing them off along with chubby ankles. Ha Ha.

Susan is having so much fun in her second childhood. 🙂


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About the Author Jenn

Hi! I'm Jenn! I'm an ambitious, creative and natural mama of four awesome kids: Amy (born in 2010), Blake (2011), Cody (2013), Lulu (2014) - yeah my husband and I took a year off in 2012 - go ahead, call us lazy :) My husband Gerhard, our four kids and I live in America’s heartland on a small, in-town acreage in Iowa – but that is pretty new. We are still grounding after an international move from Germany. This is not an understatement, an international move is WAY different than a normal move, but that is a whole different story! I am here to share our love, knowledge and experiences of waldorf in the home including holistic toys, crafts and food. My goal is also to share helpful tips on natural parenting and healthy play.

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